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Beach View Holiday Park

Website design project Beach View Holiday Park

Resort website with online booking

Working closely with Beach View Holiday Park on the Suffolk coast, we completely redesigned this popular resorts website making it responsive and functional on all devices. 

We integrated the existing booking system ‘Innstyle’ into the accommodation webpages for individual self-catered units, camping & glamping. Then incorporated more professional photography using our in house photography and our clients appointed photographer.

SEO – The full monty

The old Beach View website had good search ranking, so we optimised the new website to ensure we kept the good bits from the old website. We then worked to improve poor performing elements, adding more effective SEO to enhance overall search ranking.

Backlinks – Audit

Beach View had changed its name and url about 10-12 years ago, we carried out an audit of old incoming links, and spent time ensuring the most important incoming referring links were updated using new urls. 

Social Media – Tools & Training

We audited our clients social media strategy and capabilities, we then recommended the best applications to suit our client needs. 

We set up a suite of management tools and provided client training to enable Beach View to effectively manage their online social media.

We provided further training to Beach View staff so they can run in-house ‘paid’ social campaigns on Google, Facebook, Instagram & Twitter.